Hi, I’m Alysha. Accredited Practicing Dietitian and mum of 4 who got sprung first time round with a fussy eater!
I was hit with a very fussy eater with my eldest son. I had a pretty good idea of what foods he SHOULD be eating, but I struggled with how fussy he was and that he refused most foods.
I was worried about his nutrition every... ...single... ...day. I felt like I was doing something wrong and I had a big dose of mum-guilt!
So, I fumbled my way around how to get him to eat in the way I thought he should be eating. I was bribing him to eat, forcing him, tricking him into eating more veggies, I hid veggies in ALL the food, I was even distracting him at the table (hello tv!) in the hope he would eat without realising! I dreaded every mealtime. I felt there wasn’t much information or support for parents experiencing this struggle so I followed all sorts of advice from other mums. It all felt higgledy-piggledy, and it just wasn’t working! He wasn’t getting any less fussy, in fact it got worse and it got more stressful for me and for him too. |
This was all happening over a few years as I was finishing my study to become a dietitian! I learned the the impact of different feeding-styles and approaches on kids eating behaviour! I learned about the factors influencing fussy eating and approaches that can improve it!

I had hope, and I became fixated on learning a more effective way to feeding!

I changed my feeding approach, used evidence-based strategies mixed with a dash of patience…and voila, his eating began to improve!
Over time he was actually happy to sit at the table for meals, he ate more of the meals I made, there was less tantrums and stress at mealtimes and he was trying new foods he used to refuse. After some time he was eating a significantly wider variety of foods than ever, I wasn’t anxious or embarrassed about having people over for dinner anymore and I wasn’t spending all day worrying about his health and nutrition or what I was going to serve him for dinner…phew!.
He is 10 years old now, and still shows little flecks of fussiness from time-to-time, but he is improving all the time. I have worked with many parents who have also transformed their little one's fussy eating as well as having three more little ones who have benefited from my newly optimised feeding-style! |
What I havn't learned yet though, is how to get four kids out of the door on time in the mornings…or easy bedtimes…hmmmm…but at least mealtimes are going more smoothly! Ha.
I not only have the professional expertise, but also the lived experience of feeding children, and fussy eaters. I have been where you are, and I am all too aware of the impact that fussy eating can have on the whole family!
But I also know that things can be turned around. I know that there are ways to make mealtimes and feeding kids less stressful. I didn’t know this when I was in the thick-of-it with my fussy little eater though, and I know many mums right now are still thinking this is just the way feeding kids has to be. But it doesn't..
I want to empower mums to improve their little one’s fussy eating by sharing what i learned.
But I also know that things can be turned around. I know that there are ways to make mealtimes and feeding kids less stressful. I didn’t know this when I was in the thick-of-it with my fussy little eater though, and I know many mums right now are still thinking this is just the way feeding kids has to be. But it doesn't..
I want to empower mums to improve their little one’s fussy eating by sharing what i learned.
Why I do what I do |
I want to help mums stop fumbling their way through feeding a fussy eater like I was. I want to help mums gain confidence in the approach they’re using so they don’t need to worry about their little one’s nutrition or feel the mum-guilt. I want to help as many mums as possible feel more relaxed at mealtimes with their kids because I know it is possible.
My approach |
I believe that the interaction between parent and child with feeding, and having distinct roles at mealtimes is integral when it comes to improving the eating behaviours of little ones. My approach is a focus on optimizing this feeding dynamic, your feeding-style, which ultimately improves children’s eating behaviours, reduces fussy eating, supports the development of a positive relationship with food and helps them to become overall better eaters as they grow through childhood and into adulthood.
My goal is to teach you WHAT works and HOW to put it into practice. |
My vision |
To improve the nutrition and health of children by supporting their development of healthy eating behaviours.
My qualifications |
Master of Dietetics
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Accredited Practicing Dietitian/Member of Dietitians Australia |